Episode 08: A File System If You Can Keep It

Mike and Dr. Tim discuss Tim's observations on "Due Process" using a computer file system as an analogous framework.

We had fun. We hope you enjoy the listen as well.

Go Podcasting!

-- Mike

Evergreen Links and Notes:
Podcasting 2.0, The Lightning Network, and Value4Value usher in a new era of podcasting that’s free of big tech control - 9to5mac.com

The Podcast Index
Modern Podcasting Apps using Podcasting 2.0
Where most of the PC20 Buzz Happens - Mastadon server
Where the PC20 Technical Bits Happen - Podcasting 2.0 Github Page

Adam Curry and the Value4Value Model for Podcasting

Applications Showcased Here:
Sovereign Feeds
Livewire Podcast (Feed) Validator

Written by Mike Neumann in Episodes on Sat 16 July 2022. Tags: BWDRT,