Episode 12: Language and Philosophy

Mike and Dr. Tim began our conversation on the power of language, the meaning of words, and what happens to conversations when the meanings of words are changed. We then made our way to philosophy in a way; discussing NASA's Artemis/SLS vs. SpaceX Starship. We wrapped up discussing Dr. Tim's favorite philosopher: Abraham Maslow.

We had good fun.

Go Podcasting!

-- Mike

Evergreen Links and Notes:
Podcasting 2.0, The Lightning Network, and Value4Value usher in a new era of podcasting that’s free of big tech control - 9to5mac.com

The Podcast Index
Modern Podcasting Apps using Podcasting 2.0
Where most of the PC20 Buzz Happens - Mastadon server
Where the PC20 Technical Bits Happen - Podcasting 2.0 Github Page

Adam Curry and the Value4Value Model for Podcasting

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Sovereign Feeds
Hypercatcher Studio
Livewire Podcast (Feed) Validator

Written by Mike Neumann in Episodes on Sat 03 September 2022. Tags: BWDRT,