Episode 33: Abstractish

Finally, an episode with some forethought. Probably because Tim and I spend a lot of time thinking this way. We delve into language, metaphors, and paradigms with the goal of characterizing characterization. Ok, I'm freebasing a bit, but Tim and I pulled from our experiences and his study to put some pavement under our feet for future discussions that address how we communicate concepts in a way that is hopefully understandable by other abstract thinkers.

Go Podcasting!

-- Mike

Reflecting on Behavior: Giacomo Rizzolatti Takes Us on a Tour of the Mirror Mechanism - July 2011
and ten years later...
Study casts new light on mirror neurons - Despite initial findings, neurons are activated by the observation of both biological and non-biological movements, study indicates - August 2021
Thomas Kuhn and his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions introduce the Paradigm Shift

That's you! If you enjoyed the show and therefore received some value from it, send some value back to us by buying us a plate of migas at my Buy Me A Coffee page! Every little bit helps to keep the servers warm, and the podcast running. :)

Evergreen Links and Notes:
Welcome to the New International Lifestyle - VALUE4VALUE
Podcasting 2.0, The Lightning Network, and Value4Value usher in a new era of podcasting that’s free of big tech control - 9to5mac.com
Podcasting 2.0 Will Bring Bitcoin to the Masses - bitcoinmagazine.com, 15-Sept, 2022

The Podcast Index
Modern Podcasting Apps using Podcasting 2.0 - podcastapps.com
Where most of the PC20 Buzz Happens - Mastadon server
Where the PC20 Technical Bits Happen - Podcasting 2.0 Github Page

Adam Curry and the Value4Value Model for Podcasting

Applications Showcased Here:
Sovereign Feeds
Hypercatcher Studio
Livewire Podcast (Feed) Validator
Podcast Addict
The Open Podcast Prefix Project (OP3)

Show Bumper Music:
"Speeding Through Mountains" by John Emil

Written by Mike Neumann in Episodes on Sat 29 July 2023. Tags: BWDRT,